AUG03 - Day54 - Seliger Lake - Km4770
Plou durant dos dies seguits, vivint en una illa semi-deshabitada i dormint en una tenda de campanya no es la millor situacio quan plou i esta tot xop. No hi ha res a fer, nomes dormir i llegir o jugar a cartes a la vora del foc. Per matar l'avorriment, a Arina se li ocurreix posar-se malalta. Li fa mal la panxa i es pensa que podria ser apendicitis. No hi ha cap metge en el camp pero alguns entesos la toquen i li diuen que no, que prengui pastilles i esperi a que li passi, que es una intoxicacio normal. Es fa fosc i decidim que el millor es anar ara a l'hospital d'Ostashkov perque a la nit, si la cosa empitjora, no hi podrem anar. Aconseguim convencer una parella perque ens porti en barca a terra ferma sota la pluja. Truquem un taxi i en menys d'una hora som a l'hospital que sembla una escola abandonada. El metge esta en el primer pis, nomes un metge i una infermera en tot l'hospital, que ara ja no em sembla una escola sino un magatzem secret d'armes i sense calefaccio. Per sort, Arina no te apendicitis, el metge li diu que prengui unes pastilles que comprem a la farmacia i que tot se solucionara. Tornem al camp.
One of the worst situations when being in the nature is the rain. It has been raining for 2 days without stop. There is nothing to do other than sleep, read inside the tent or play cards near the fire. All clothes are getting dirty but no way to wash them with this weather. If this wasn't enough, Arina got stomach-sick, she believes is something serious, so we decide to go to Ostashkov hospital, the nearest town from here. To get there we must ask some good soul to take us to the mainland by boat under the rain, call a taxi and hope there is one available at this time. We get a van that looks like a war-van, with home-chairs instead of car-seats in the back. Is not very comfortable but does the job and we get to the "hospital" in less than 30min. After waiting in one cold building for 20min we are redirected to another cold building that looks more like a warehouse than a hospital. The only doctor and the only nurse take Arina. We are lucky, is nothing serious, she must take some tablets and wait. We go, all happy, back to our camp.