D75 - The Last Tsar

AUG24 - Day75 - Ekaterinburg - Km6964
L'ultim tsar rus de la familia dels Romanov, Nicolas II i la seva familia van ser assassinats pels bolxevics durant la revolucio el Juliol del 1918. L'esglesia de la fotografia va ser construida recentment al costat del lloc on van passar els fets. Avui visitem aquest i d'altres monuments d'interes aristico-historic de la ciutat amb Igor i a la nit anem a sopar amb la seva xicota i la seva germana (Alla i Lillia), que son d'origen tatar. Acabem la nit per error en una discoteca plena de gent jove (~16 anys)
Ekaterinburg was the place where the last russian Tsar, Nicholas II with all his family was murdered by the bosheviks in July 1918. Today there is a memorial and a church built near the place where they were supposedly killed. Today we visit the church and other historical sites of the city with Igor. Later at night we meet with 2 friends for dinner plus night out. We go to "Park Inn", one the fashionable night clubs of the city, tonight is packed with teenagers (~16yo). We don't stay too long.
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