
D87 - Krasnoyarsk

SEP05 - Day 87 - Krasnoyarsk - Km9248

Ahir, mentre dinava, vaig notar que tenia el coll malament, em costava empassar el menjar. Sembla que he agafat mal de coll. Abans d'agafar el tren a Irkutsk passo per la farmacia i compro medicaments. Me'ls prenc regularment cada sis hores. Al tren em costa dormir, nomes puc beure aigua, m'es impossible menjar. Quan m'aixeco pel mati noto que gairebe no puc parlar i que la medicacio no ha fet cap efecte, estic molt pitjor que ahir a la nit. En aquestes condicions no vull estar-me 20 hores mes al tren i decideixo baixar a Krasnoyarsk al migdia.

Yesterday having lunch in the irish pub I realised that something was wrong with my throat. It was difficult to swallow the bread. I am afraid I will get a soar throat. Later in the afternoon, before taking the train I go to the pharmacy to buy some medecines. At night I feel worst, I cannot eat. I take the medecines every 6h. I cannot sleep in the train during the night. In the morning I feel really bad, I cannot even speak properly, the medication didn't get me better. I don't feel like staying 20 more hours in the train. I get off in Krasnoyarsk at midday.