D63 - Biking

AUG12 - Day63 - Moskva - Km5150
Ens aixequem tard, despres de la festa d'ahir a la nit. Fa bon dia i despres d'esmorzar decidim agafar les bicicletes i anar al parc. Son 30 minuts creuant carrers i avingudes sense carril bici, una mica perillos en aquesta ciutat, pero finalment arribem al parc, gran, amb llacs i zones recreatives plenes de gent. Continuem pel bosc fins l'academia de policia que vigila el Kremlin. Aqui s'entrenen els cossos d'elit de la policia russa. Els vigilants no semblen gaire contents de veure dues persones en bicicleta al voltant de l'edifici pero no diuen res, nosaltres marxem rapid i ja esta.
After last night party we wake up late but ready to do sports. Weather is great, so we take the 2 mountain-bike and ride them thorugh the Moscow roads until the big park with lakes, 30min away from Arina's district. Hidden in the park there is the academy of the special police that guards the Kremlin. You don't see this building in maps, neither signs on the road to get there. Is, let's say, a half-secret place. The 2 guards don't seem very happy to see 2 persons by bike appearing from the forest... Just in case, I don't take any picture and we disappear quickly back to the forest.
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