D55 - Volga Trip

AUG06 - Day57 - Seliger Lake - Km4770
El nostre camp esta quedant mes buit cada dia que passa, els nens han marxat i ara nomes queden els entrenadors i els turistes com nosaltres. A l'hora de sopar Sergey em ve a buscar i m'explica que uns quants estan pensant anar en Baidarka seguint el Volga fins prop de Moscu. Segurament es la unica oportunitat a la vida de fer una travessia d'una setmana i 120km seguint un dels rius mes emblematics de Russia, amb gent local, dormint a la vora del riu, pescant i cantant cancons a la vora del foc. La temptacio es gran, pero ja havia promes a Arina que passaria una setmana a Moscu amb ella i la seva mare i, a mes, ja porto uns dies de retras en el meu viatge, es hora de seguir endavant i dir que no a Sergey, no es facil, pero un viatge esta ple de decisions complicades i aquesta n'es una. Llastima.
The camp is getting emptier and emptier, there are no kids anymore, only the trainers and the tourists, about 30 people left in total. Today Sergey comes to me with a tempting proposal. Some people will go by Baidarka along the Volga river, he asks if I want to join. The Volga starts at Seliger and travels all the way down to the Caspian Sea, it flows near Moscow. Their plan is to take baidarka and go downstream the river for 6 days along 120km, fishing and sleeping on the shore of the river. This is one of the points in the trip when making a choice is difficult. This is most probably the only time in my life when I get this kind of offer with local people and for free. On the other hand, I promised Arina to go back to Moscow together and stay 1 week visiting the city. Temptation is temptation, but my trip has to go forward and I decide to refuse the offer. Pity.
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