D70 - City Day

Avui es celebra el 283 aniversari de la ciutat. Hi ha multitud d'espectacles musicals i esportius, focs artificials a la nit, etc... Tothom es al carrer avui. A la tarda quedo amb Oleg, enginyer. Ell havia treballat en el passat amb Igor, que a la vegada havia treballat amb mi a Dublin i, casualitats de la vida, es d'Ekaterinburg. Tal com haviem acordat, Igor arribara la setmana que ve de vacances i ens tornarem a veure. Descobrim que la policia ha prohibit vendre alcohol al centre de la ciutat per evitar disturbis. La unica cervesa que trobem es Baltika 0 (sense alcohol). Agafem un bus, com la majoria de gent, i anem una mica lluny del centre a comprar cerveses "normals", tornem al centre i mengem shashlik mentre escoltem muscia en viu en un parc.
Today is the 283th anniversary of Ekaterinburg. The city is packed with people going to all the multiple events around the pond, the main square and along the river sidewalks. In the afternoon I meet Oleg, he used to work with Igor. Igor is my other contact in Ekaterinburg, we worked together in Ireland during 3 years. Igor is from Ekaterinburg but lives and works in Ireland nowadays, he will come for holidays next week. Meanwhile I meet only with Oleg, engineer too, he speaks good english and is happy to practice it with me. Alcohol is banned in the city center, the only beer in the kiosks is Baltika 0 (alcohol free). We, like most of the people, take bus to go a little bit away from the centre to buy "real" beer and then back to the "alcohol-free" zone to eat shashlik.
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