D55 - Hudochnik

Un dels personatges curiosos del camp es Victor, el pintor. Sempre explica histories extranyes de la seva vida, solter i una mica extravagant. Un dia li preguntem si te o ha tingut familia i ens diu que no esta segur pero que podria ser que tingues una filla de 6 mesos a Moscou. Es passa el dia buscant joves models per pintar. Com cada any, tambe dibuixa a Arina a la vora del foc, tot i que ella, amb 21 anys, no es prou jove pel gust de Victor. Avui a la tarda li pregunto que si mai dibuixa nois perque sempre el veig amb noies jovenetes. Em respon que no vol perdre el temps pintant nois quan te suficients models femenines. Tot i aixi, s'ofereix a dibuixar-me a mi, com a excepcio. Anem prop de la seva tenda i durant 2h em fa 3 dibuixos i me'n regala un.
One of the interesting persons in the camp is The Painter (Hudochnik in russian). Victor lives in Moscow and comes to the camp every summer. He likes the nature and landscapes of the lake and uses all his free time painting around the camp, specially young ladies. He draws Arina every year even if she is (21) already too old for his taste, he prefers younger models. When I ask him if he ever draw men he replies: "why to waste time with men, if you have beautiful girls everywhere!". Well, the last day I asked if, as an honor guest, he can draw me. He agrees and there we are, near his tent in the afternoon, drawing me for more than 2h!!!
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