D84 - Small World

Avui a l'Internet cafe coincideixo amb una parella de catalans que son a Novosibirsk en proces d'adopcio d'un nen. Estava assegut davant l'ordinador quan em sembla sentir veus parlant en espanyol, miro, m'aixeco i pregunto d'on son. Son de Barcelona. Parlant resulta que estiuegen a Palamos... Increible! mes de 7000km de distancia de casa i em trobo una parella de catalans que cada cap setmana passen per davant de casa meva amb el cotxe. Vagi on vagi sempre em trobare catalans viatjant pel mon. Aquest mon certament petit.
Today I was sitting in internet cafe when a spanish-speaking couple entered and sat down in a computer next to me. I ask them what are they doing in Novosibirsk, that is very strange to find spanish tourists in this city, I also explain them my situation. They came here to adopt a baby. The funny think is that they are not only from Spain but they have a holiday home 7km from my hometown! 7000km from home, in the middle of Siberia I meet a couple that are almost my neighbours! Small world.
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