D60 - Uzbek Dinner

Aug09 - Day60 - Moskva - Km5150
Un cop feta la promesa s'ha de complir. Avui convido a Arina, la seva mare i la seva tia a un restaurant Uzbekistanes del centre de Moscou. No es gens barat, pero despres de la gran hospitalitat que he rebut per part d'elles i de l'oportunitat de poder anar de camping al Llac Seliger amb totes tres, crec que ho tenen ben merescut. No acostumen a frequentar aquests tipus de llocs i s'ho passen be. Al final del sopar demanem un "kalian", una mena de catximba tipica de les republiques del sud. Fumem tabac de maduixa durant mes d'una hora i, enmig de l'animacio, Alla, la tia d'Arina, decideix convidar-nos el dissabte a casa seva a sopar i ella ballara belly-dancing per nosaltres
As I promised them during the camp, today I am going to invite Arina, her mother and her aunt to a special dinner in a Moscow restaurant. I have chosen an Uzbekistani restaurant near he Kremlin, is not cheap but I want to thank all of them for their hospitality here in Moscow and for inviting me to the Seliger Lake. We are lucky enough to get the last table. Food is excellent, music too. We also ask for "kalyan" (water pipe) which we keep for more than one hour after the dinner. Alla, Arina's aunt, decides to invite us to her flat to eat more typical Uzbek food next saturday night. She can dance belly-dancing and cook good uzbek food thanks to lots of friends that she has from the former soviet republic
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