D81 - Stone House

AUG30 - Day81 - Novosibirsk - Km8493
Tania em recomana un lloc anomenat "Stone House" on hi ha un bar irlandes a la planta baixa, 2 restaurants al primer pis i una discoteca al segon pis. Avui a la discoteca hi deu haver festa perque esta ple de gent fent cua al carrer, basicament gent jove. Mentre jo tambe faig cua per pagar l'entrada pregunto a les dues noies de darrera meu que perque hi ha tanta gent. Em diuen que hi ha una festa R'n'B i em regalen un flyer amb descompte per l'entrada. Un cop a dins les convido a un cocktail per agrair que m'han donat el flyer i elles em proposen quedar per dema que m'ensenyaran la ciutat durant el dia. Evidentment jo accepto.
Tania said that the best place to go out is in the Stone House. Here there is an irish pub in the first floor, 2 restaurants in second floor and a disco in 3rd floor. Today at 10pm is full of young people. I follow the crowd and ask 2 young girls why is so crowded. They are surprised that somebody speaks english but explained to me that tonight there is a very good R'n'B party. They give me flyer to get discount. The place is very crowded with teenagers. I first go to eat in the restaurant downstairs and later I go back up to the night club. I invite Lida and Marina for a drink to thank them for the flyer + discount. They seem happy and propose me to meet next day to show me the city. I accept.
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