D67 - Bye Arina

Dia de dir adeu, no es la primera vegada pero aixo no vol dir que sigui mes facil dir adeu de nou. Han estat 3 setmanes junts i avui es el moment d'acomiadar-nos. No coneixia Arina de res, era un contacte alternatiu a Moscou i hem acabat construint una relacio intensa d'amistad. Avui ha agafat festa a la feina per poder estar junts. L'adeu a l'estacio s'omple de llagrimes pero tots dos sabem que un dia altre ens tornarem a veure.
My train leaves today in the afternoon. Arina took a sick day to spend the last hours together. Once again, the hardest time of this trip is to say goodbye to somebody whom you have built a strong friendship. It has been more than 3 weeks together, in the lakes first and in Moscow later. My trip has to proceed towards the Urals in the east and the summer is ending quickly. I need to go. Is sad but deeply inside ourselves we know this is not our last meeting.
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