
D68 - Ural Mountains

AUG17 - Day68 - Ekaterinburg - Km6964

Urals: la divisio fisica entre dos continents, Europa i Asia. Avui passare a Asia sense haver de canviar de pais, curios. Les muntanyes dels Urals son les mes antigues del planeta, amb 2500km de longitud i una alcada maxima inferior als 2000m. Son riques en minerals com l'or i la plata entre d' altres.Ekaterinburg, amb els seus 1.4 milions d'habitants es la ciutat mes gran i l'autoproclamada "capital dels Urals"

Train 026 goes from Moscow to Ekaterinburg through Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. Initially I planned to stopped in Kazan, which is supposed to be a beautiful city full of history. Due to the late schedule I continue towards the self-proclaimed "capital of the Ural Mountains": Ekaterinburg. The Urals are, if not the most, one of the oldest mountains in our planet. Extremely rich in minerals, more than 2500km long, they lay from the Artic Circle un the north until Kazakhstan in the south. Due to their age they are not tall, the tallest mountain is around 1800m tall. Urals are also considered the border between two continents, Europe and Asia. So, today I will change continent without changing country, the only place in the world that one can do that by land.