D72 - Stomach Sick

Alguna cosa estranya vaig menjar el dia de la festa de la ciutat perque m'he passat 2 dies al llit amb mal de panxa, una mica de febre i malestar general. Com que durant dos dies no he fet res, aprofitem per parlar de Baltika, la cervesa mes venuda a Russia. Baltika te diferents graduacions segons el numero com es presenta. Baltika 0 es cervesa sense alcohol i Baltika 9 en te un 8.0%. La meva preferida es Baltika 3 amb un 4.8% d'alcohol i la que ells anomenen "classica". Per mes informacio, en angles: http://eng.baltika.ru/products/21.03.06/.
Something went wrong in my body, I spent Sunday and Monday in bed with unsettled stomach, with a bit of temperature and very weak body. I couldn't eat for 24h, I could barely drink. Since I was sick, nothing interesting happened, so let's take the opportunity to talk about Baltika beer, the most popular beer in the country of vodka . Baltika has different numbers from 0 to 9 depending of the strength, being Baltika 0 alcohol-free and Baltika 9 the strongest of all them with 8.0% alcohol. Baltika beers with 25% market share in Russia is the indisputed leader. Its strong brand is getting more and more market in western Europe as well. My favourite is Baltika 3. For more information: http://eng.baltika.ru/products/21.03.06/ If you want to try Baltika 9 with your friends, be aware of what russians say: "nothing good comes out of baltika 9", you have my advice.
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