D58 - Back to Moscow

AUG07 - Day58 - Seliger Lake - Km4770
Darrer dia al camp. Ahir va haver-hi gran festa amb musica i begudes. Avui hem d'acabar de desmuntar-ho tot i portar totes les coses a l'altre a terra ferma, on dos autobusos en esperen. Un per la gent i les maletes i l'altre per posar-hi la resta del material del camp. Fa sol i transportar els paquets es cansat. Tot i tenir programada la sortida a les 12:00 no marxem fins les 16:30, aixo vol dir que arribarem a Moscow passada la mitjanit.
Today is the last day in the camp. There was a big long party last night with open air disco and lots of food and drinks. In the morning we finish to dismantle everything and carry all to the mainland. Many trips by Baidarka and Catamaran. We fill 1 mini bus with bags and tools and the other bus with people and their luggage. The departure time is scheduled by12:00 but finally we leave at 16:30. It has been a very hard day carrying everything from the island to the buses but we are now on the road, back to Moscow, where we arrive after midnight.
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