D59 - Home Sweet Home

AUG08 - Day59 - Moskva - Km5150
Primer dia de vida de ciutat. Dormir de nou en un matalas, prendre una dutxa d'aigua calenta i veure com el sol s'amaga darrera dels edificis al capvespre. Temps per mirar els emails, despres de 13 dies, dir a tothom que encara soc viu i que el viatge nomes esta a la meitat, que la segona part esta a punt de comencar. Aquesta nit tornem a quedar amb Masha i el seu professor de pintura. Vida social de nou, metro, gent...
After 2 weeks, it was nice to sleep in a matress, be able to seat in a toilet, take warm shower and look at the sunshine from the window from the 12th floor. It's time to check my emails after 13 days and tell my friends that I am still alive. Wash almost all the dirty clothes and go for a walk to the big city. We will meet Masha again, this evening, with his (and Arina's) professor of painting. Life is back to normality, no more mosquitoes, no more songs near the fire, no more cold and wet mornings.
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