D80 - Tania

AUG29 - Day 80 - Novosibirsk - Km8493
Una altra sorpresa agradable. Fins ahir mateix no coneixia ningu a Novosibirsk, pero avui Tania (Moscou) m'ha escrit un sms explicant-me que la seva cosina viu aqui i que podem quedar aquesta tarda i m'ensenyara la ciutat. Quedem a les 7 de la tarda, quan ella surt de la feina i anem passejant fins el riu Ob. Tornem al centre amb metro i entrem en un bar per refugiar-nos de la pluja tenue pero incessant. Tania parla be l'angles tot i que no te oportunitat de practicar-lo amb ningu. A les 10 marxa cap a casa i m'explica on puc anar aquesta nit.
Since yesterday I had no contacts in Novosibirsk. Tania from Moscow send me SMS telling that she has relatives here, so we tried to arrange meeting with her cousine Tania. We meet after her work, she works and studies at the same time. She speaks good enough english to communicate. Its raining outside and quite cold as well. Anyway, we walked along Krasny Prospekt, the main street, until the river Ob and back by metro to have a drink and talk in a warmer place.
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