D69 - Julia

No ha estat senzill trobar contactes a Ekaterinburg, pero finalment n'he aconseguit dos. El primer, Tanya no es a la ciutat fins diumenge pero Julia i a seva filla Vika venen a l'estacio de tren a buscar-me. Llogare el pis on viu Vika i ella passara aquests dies amb al seva mare. El pis no es centric pero esta forca ben comunicat, el preu es assequible, no em puc queixar, a mes, semblen bona gent i Julia parla angles perfecte.
Before arriving to the city I had 2 contacts. One of them is Tanya, a girl that I met online. She is not in town until the weekend, so she gave me the email of her friend Julia (in the picture with her daughter Vika) who can rent me a flat. Julia and Vika come to pick me up at the train station (Uralskaya) and go with me to the flat in Uralmash district, not very central but decently communicated by trolleybus + metro. I leave my luggage and we all 3 go for dinner.
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