D76 - Golden Metro

AUG25 - Day76 - Ekaterinburg - Km6964
Durant la construccio del metro d'Ekaterinburg es va trobar un filo d'or que va ajudar a pagar la construccio de la unica linea amb 6 estacions de la ciutat. Aixo demostra, com haviem dit, que els Urals son unes muntanyes intesament riques en minerals. Segons Oleg encara avui es possible trobar petites quantitats d'or que l'aigua del riu Iset arrossega.
As I said in an older post, the Ural Mountains are extremely rich in minerals, downstream the city river (Iset) is still easy to find small quantities of gold. During the city's metro building works they found gold which helped to pay for the construction itself. Also, the halls inside the metro are decorated by the best marble, taking pictures is forbidden and air conditioning is working at full speed. There is only one line with six stops but the metro of Ekaterinburg is a luxurious one.
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