D86 - Train to Irkutsk

SEP04 - Day 86 - Novosibirsk - Km8493
M'he passat les ultimes 36 hores al llit amb febre. Aquest mati em trobo millor i decideixo que es hora de marxar de Novosibirsk i anar al llac Baikal, per aixo he comprat el bitllet de tren a Irkutsk que surt aquesta nit i arriba dos dies mes tard pel mati, 30 hores en el tren, un dia i dues nits. Esperem que el temps millori perque durant tota la setmana ha estat plovent i amb temperatures baixes.
The last 36 hours I was in bed with high temperature. Today I feel better and I bought a ticket to Irkutsk for tonight. The train takes 30 hours, this means 2 nights and a full day in the train. This will be the longest journey by train since I started 3 month ago. The weather is still bad, rainy almost every day but the forecast for the weekend is better. Hopefully in Irkutsk and Lake Baikal there will be sunshine.
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