
D87 - Game Over

SEP05 - Day 87 - Krasnoyarsk - Km9248
No tinc cap contacte a Krasnoyarsk. Gairebe no puc parlar perque tinc el coll ben inflamat i infectat. Porto 36 hores sense menjar ni dormir. Em trobo fatal. Aqui es on prenc la decisio d'agafar el proper avio i tornar a Moscou. Aixo significa el final del viatge. Han estat 87 dies i 9248 km. Nomes quedaven 13 dies per arribar a Beijing, aquesta vegada no sera possible. El Llac Baikal, Mongolia i Xina hauran d'esperar.
I don't know anybody in Krasnoyarsk, I cannot speak and I haven't eaten/slept for more than 36 hours. I feel terrible. It's hard but here I decide to take the next plane back to Moscow. This means the end of the trip. 87 days and 9248km. Only 13 days to arrive to Beijing. This time will not be possible. Lake Baikal, Mongolia and China must wait.