D52 - Russian Lessons

AUG01 - Day52 - Seliger Lake - Km4770
Un dels entreteniments durant el dia es aprendre rus i castella. Arina m'ensenya rus basic i jo l'ajudo a conjugar els verbs en castella. Ella porta temps estudiant-lo i ja te un nivell bastant bo, tot i que li costa parlar per falta de practica. El meu rus es molt basic, pero ja consegueixo entendre algunes converses i construir certa base de vocabulari. Tot i aixo, la comunicacio meva es basicament en angles amb Arina i algunes persones mes del camp, no masses, que tambe parlen angles.
One of my entertainments in the camp is to learn russian. Arina teaches me russian, I teach her spanish. We both brought books for it and spend many hours on the beach or near the fire, depending on the weather. Even if I learn russian and she learns spanish, our communication is still 90% in english. The other people of the camp also starts learning english and sometimes, for fun, they talk between them in english too. They said that the camp this year is not the "enviromental camp" like other years but a "language camp".
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