D50 - Samogon

JUL30 - Day50 - Seliger Lake - Km4770
Avui si que toca inaugurar la sauna, fem 4 sessions sempre seguides d'un bany al llac. S'ha d'anar en compte, quan es prepara una sauna rustica, a treure totes les cendres, perque una mica de foc crea CO2, que es toxic de respirar. Despres de la Sauna anem a beure vodka per celebrar l'aniversari de Sergei i els meus 50 dies de viatge, la festa es intima, nomes 6 persones, pero despres vaig al camp del costat on un grup de joves encara estan de festa. Ells beuen "samogon" un licor destil.lat en el poble del costat. Parlem i parlem i ja es de dia quan anem a les tendes a dormir.
Sunday. Today after the volleyball match (I was with the "veteran" group) we will inaugurate the brand new built BANYA. The other 4 russian guys meet once a week in Moscow to take banya, they say that in winter they jump naked to the snow because there is no water, all is frozen of course. Here we have the lake where we swim in the dark, 4 times after the 4 sessions. They worry about me because there is always a bit of CO2 in the air, even if we have removed the ashes carefully there is always the possibility to leave something small burning.
After banya we celebrate Sergei's 54th birthday and my day 50 of the trip. Party is long. After party I join another party with the young neighbours, they drink Samogon, a local distilled spirit. We talk talk talk until 6am, I didn't know but in the silence of the night, all the camp could hear us.
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