D49 - Banya (Sauna)

JUL29 - Day49 - Seliger Lake - 4770Km
Un dels luxes mes grans del camp es la sauna, o "banya" que es el nom rus. La primera nit em van convidar amb els jefes del grup, com a convidat d'honor del camp. Avui Sergei em proposa ajudar a construir-ne una de nova i mes gran. Sergei es Enginyer Quimic i parla bon angles, ell em va donant instruccions i jo l'ajudo tan be com se. Al final ha quedat una estructura consistent i l'interior pot acollir fins a 6 persones. Dema a la nit la inaugurarem i despres celebrarem el seu aniversari i els mes 50 dies de viatge, l'ecuador.
The day of the arrival I was invited to take Banya (Sauna) with the bosses of the camp, like the "honor guest". Today Sergei asked me to help to build a better one, near the small beach. Sergei (54) is Chemical Enginner, now retired, the early retirement is due to dangerous working conditions during 10 years. Now she has other businesses in Moscow because the pension is not enough to survive. First we built the structure with consistent sticks, then the fire place with big stones and later the walls with old sails from catamarans and baidarkas. At the end looks wonderful, it can take 6 people inside. We will inaugurate it tomorrow in the evening.
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