D47 - Baidarka

JUL27 - Day47 - Seliger Lake - 4770Km
Primera nit a la tenda. Pel mati anem amb Arina, la seva mare i la seva tia a l'altre costat de l'illa, on hi ha l'unic poblet i on podem comprar algunes coses i prendre cafe. Es tarda una hora en arribar, pel cami mengem maduixes silvestres i altres fruits que creixen a l'estiu per aquestes contrades. A la tornada arribem just pel dinar de les 2. Els horaris de menjar son: esmorzar a les 9, dinar a les 2 i sopar a les 8. A la tarda agafem un parell de "baidarka" una mena de kayak tipic de Russia i anem a donar una volta pel llac tots 4.
Today is the first full day in the island, we go to the other side, the only populated place, a small village with one shop and one bar. It takes 1h to walk there. The family that runs this bar lost their job when the factory where they worked closed after the soviet union collapse. Without jobs, they decided to move to this remote and lonely place. Nobody comes here in winter, which can be up to 9 months long, but summer time is full of tourists enjoying the nature of the island. In the afternoon we go by Baidarka, a boat similar to a kayak, this will be our main transport system during the next 2 weeks.
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