D46 - Seliger

El tren ens deixa a l'estacio d'Ostashkov a les 7 del mati. Anem a la platja on truqem les organitzadors del camp que ens envien dos nois amb una barca que ens duran a l'illa. Viurem a l'illa mes gran del llac, davant del monestir. En el camp hi ha unes 20 persones mes els grups d'estudiants de diferents parts del pais. Nosaltres som turistes pero ajudem en la mesura que podem a organitzar les activitats. Hem de pagar 3EUR/dia i a canvi tenim esmorzar, dinar i sopar.
We arrive at Ostashkov, the capital of the region at 7am. The taxi drive us 10km to the shore of the lake where many people is waiting for the boats to collect them. We will sleep in the biggest island of the lake, opposite Nil's monastery. We call the boss of the campsite and 2 young guys (friends of Arina) come with a small boat to pick us up. We are tourists in this camp, as opposite of trainers and the students. The cost is 100RUR/day (3EUR), we get breakfast, lunch and dinner for that price, we can use all facilities in the camp when they are free, but at the same time we are supposed to help to cook and organize events with the trainers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Seliger
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