D44 - Registration III

JUL24 - Day44 - Moskva - Km4390
Per fi aconsegueixo registrar el visat. Ja se m'havia passat pel cap abandonar el pais i tornar a Ucraina o potser anar als paisos Baltics en comptes de seguir cap a l'est. Pero tot surt be, no es facil pero ho aconseguim. L'agencia que em va enviar l'invitacio a traves d'una empresa falsa es qui ha de registrar el meu passaport. No ho puc fer jo personalment. Els deixo el passaport i tots els documents que hem hagut d'omplir per demostrar que viure a casa de Tania els propers 90 dies (cosa que tambe es falsa). Pago 50 dolars mes i en tres dies em tenen els segells corresponents en el passaport. He tardat 9 dies en poder ser legal al pais, oficialment nomes tenia 3 dies per fer tots els passos burocratics. Russia segueix essent un estat altament burocratitzat i qualsevol pas administratiu es un maldecap que complica el desenvolupament del pais. Tania m'explica que te ganes de trobar una feina a Moscou per estar prop de la familia pero que quan veu coses com aquestes se li passen les ganes de tornar.
The only way to register the visa is to give all my documents to the agency. They sent me the invitation from the fake company and now they must register me in the general registration office. I pay 50USD more, give them my passport and all the papers proving that I will stay in Tania's place for 90 days. 3 days later I get 2 stamps in my passport. It took me 9 days to register, officially I had only 3 days, which is practically impossible. Bureaucracy is still a big problem in Russia, lots of people's time wasted to fill hundreds of forms. You can find yourself queueing for half an hour to get a form in one building, then go to the bank to pay as little as 0.50EUR and back to the original place with the prove of the payment, queue again and finally get the stamp you need.
With a tourist visa, if you move from city to city you must register everywhere you go. Luckily, with my business visa and my prove of residence in Moscow, I don't need to worry anymore about registration, my stamp is valid all over the country for the next 3 months.
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