D40 - Registration II

JUL20 - Day40 - Moskva - Km4390
Registrar el meu visat porta encara mes maldecaps. Intentem que ens segellin un document a les 9 del mati perque a partir d'avui soc il.legal al pais, han passat 4 dies des de la meva entrada i encara no estic registrat. La dona que te el tampo amb el segell no hi es perque ahir a la nit van celebrar un aniversari i aquest mati arribara tard. Increible. Suposo que va veure massa alcohol, el que m'extranya es que el tampo no estigui a l'oficina... potser se l'endu a casa i dorm amb ell. Sigui com sigui hem de tornar a les 4 de la tarda. Un cop tenim el segell en el document anem a la policia per fer el darrer pas. Avui no sera possible, ens diuen que com que tinc un visat de negocis les coses s'han de fer d'una manera diferent. Hem perdut ja tres dies omplint papers aqui i alla, ingressant diners en el banc i pagant factures en diversos estaments... Molta energia i temps perdut i encara no estic registrat. Segueixo essent il.legal.
My visa registration is not done yet, I am illegal right now. 9am we go to get a stamp in one document but the lady is not there because last night they had a birthday party in the office and she is going to be late in the morning. Nobody else have the same stamp, we must wait until the vodka goes away from her head and she decides to go back to the office. I am wondering if she sleeps with the stamp. From 4pm to 6pm the office is open to everybody, she seems to be back there and we got our stamp. With 4 different documents and after paying for each of them in different offices/windows we go to the police. We are told that business visas cannot be registered here. We have lost another day, many hours and lots of energy.
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