D39 - Passport Please

JUL19 - Day39 - Moskva - Km 4390
La Placa Roja es un punt important en el meu viatge. Podria dir que es l'equador en quan a distancia i tambe gairebe en dies. El final d'una part del meu viatge, la part europea, i l'inici de la ruta del transiberia, a partir del qual ja gairebe no tinc contactes. Fem fotos amb Tania, visitem el mausoleu de Lenin, els magatzems GUM i despres passegem per la part antiga de la ciutat mentre mengem un gelat: Teatre Bolshoi, Petrovka...
Un dels perills de visitar la Placa Roja es la policia, estan com voltors esperant turistes. Demanen el passaport i si alguna cosa no els agrada et posen una multa... almenys aixo diu al meva guia de viatges. A mi em paren 2 vegades, els ensenyo el passaport i em fan preguntes perque encara no estic registrat. Per sort Tania esta amb mi i ella els explica tot en rus i em deixen marxar sense demanar-me diners.
Today is for sightseeing. First thing to visit is the Kremlin and the Red Square. If Keleti (Budapest) and the Forbidden City (Beijing) are the start and end points of my trip, this is the equator. A big landmark and a special moment. We take pictures, go to Lenin mausoleum, GUM shooping center and then walk around the old areas of the city centre.
As Lonely Planet says, this is a place to avoid police, is full of them and they ask for passport and registration to tourists, trying to get some extra money with "false" fines. Tania and I try not to talki in english when police is next to us but they stopped me twice in less than 1 hour. I show (not give) my passport, they ask questions because I am not registered yet, but Tania explains everyhing in russian and they let me go "for free". I wouldn't come here alone, or if I come I must be sure I have enough 20USD notes in my pocket to avoid problems with police.
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