D38 - Visa Registration I

JUL18 - Day38 - Moskva - Km4390
Com ja he dit abans, viatjar per Russia no es facil, es necessita seguir uns certs passos burocratics gens facils. Per tal de venir amb un visat de 3 mesos he hagut de demanar un visat de negocis a traves d'una empresa falsa. Ara cal registrar el meu visat i el process es complicat. Primer he d'aconseguir un paper que demostri el lloc on viure els propers 3 mesos (a casa de Tania), amb aquest paper la meva "empresa" falsa anira a l'oficina on em posaran el segell al passaport. Tot aixo s'ha de fer en un termini de 3 dies des de l'entrada al pais o corro el risc de pagar una multa o fins i tot ser deportat a casa. El segell d'entrada es del dia 16, o sigui que tinc fins dimecres 19 (dema) per fer tots els papers.
Every foreigner that enters Russia and wants to stay more than 3 days MUST register the visa within the first three days upon arrival. There are many different types of visa, being the most common the "tourist visa" for up to 1 month and "business visa". Since I needed more than a month I had to apply for business visa. Now is time to register. My entry date is Sunday 16th of July I must finish the process by Wednesday 19th. We go with Tania to the main registration office in the city center. They tell me that in order to register the business visa, somebody from my company must go there. My "company" is a fake one, only used for inviting tourists that want to stay more than 30 days. We call the agency which issued my visa. The process takes several steps. First I must get a paper showing where I live and then my "company" will go and register the visa for me with the cost of 50USD.
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