D30 - Change Plans

JUL10 - Day30 - Minsk - Km2759
La idea inicial d'aquest viatge era canviar de ciutat cada setmana. Viatjar en tren el dilluns a la nit per poder aclimatar-me a la nova ciutat a principis de setmana, disfrutar del cap de setmana i canviar de nou al seguent dilluns. Ja porto a Minsk 7 dies i encara no tinc clar cap on anar. M'ho estic passant be, tinc molts amics aqui, pero el viatge ha de seguir endavant. Decideixo comprar el bitllet a Kharkov pel dimecres mentre espero que Tania agafi les seves vacances i ens podem trobar a Moscow d'aqui a 7 dies.
Originally I wanted to change cities every week, this means, 1 night on the train + 6 nights in the city. I have been in Minsk 7 nights already and I still don't have plans to leave. I try to talk to Tania in Sweden, she is my main contact for Moscow. I will plan according her holiday's schedule. She will be in Moscow starting 16th of July, so I have one more week before entering Russia. I decide to buy the ticket to Kharkov, back to Ukraine, for Wednesday night. It's fun to be in Minsk surrounded by good friends but I must move forward.
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