D27 - Afternoon Party

Truco Kat per quedar, proposa dinar junts prop de casa, esta estressada per la feina, intento animarla pero no es facil. Despres de dinar passegem una estona pel parc i decidim visitar una amiga seva. Lena, viu a Nova York pero ara esta de vacances a Bielorussia visitant la familia. Va coniexer el seu xicot america a Bulgaria en unes vacances d'estiu i van decidir anar a viure a NY fa una mica mes d'un any. Ella es enginyera pero treballa de dissenyadora. Comprem un parell d'ampolles de vi i convidem Jenya al meu pis, Natasha tambe ve. Parlem de moltes coses, sobretot de la situacio politica i dels familiars que han estat expulsats de la Universitat per raons estupides. La realitat es que eren a les manifestacions en contra de Lukashenka, just despres de les eleccions. La policia els va filmar, els va fer fotos, inclus un d'ells va estar a la preso 15 dies per disturbis al carrer. Ara els han fet la vida impossible, els han fet fora de la Universitat o han perdut la seva feina. Alguns han emigrat a Polonia, on han rebut el visat de "refugiats politics" i una placa a la Universitat o facilitats per trobar feina. Lukashenka, al qui anomenen "el darrer dictador d'Europa" continua mantenint el poder amb l'us de la por als seus ciutadans.
Today I have lunch with Kat, she is upset due to some work special situation that she won't explain to me. We go to meet Lena, she is one of her best friends. Currently Lena lives in New York with his boyfriend, they met in Bulgaria during holidays. She studied Structure Engineering in Minsk and works as Designer in NY. She came to Belarus for holidays to visit her family and friends. I call Jenya, Natasha will join too, we all go to my flat with a couple of bottle of white wine, some cheese and bread. We talk about politics, about their relatives fired from the University for no reason after taking part of the rallies against Lukashenka back in April... They are now studying in Warsaw (Poland) with the status of Political Refugees. This is the situation of many students right now. After the "elections" in Belarus in March, people went to demonstrate to the streets, specially young people, police was filming everything and taking pictures of the participants. Now some of them lost their jobs or don't get scholarships to study at the University... this is the way Lukashenka keeps the power, with fear among the population. The international community knows it but is difficult to prove and/or intervene.
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