D29 - Ira

Ira (Irina,20), es potser una de les noies mes atractives que he conegut a Minsk. 175cm, ulls verds, cabells rossos, somriure amable, parla espanyol i italia. Quedem per sopar avui perque dema marxa cap a Roses (Alt Emporda) on hi passara 3 mesos vivint amb la seva tia i intentant trobar feina. Diu que si troba una feina bona potser s'hi queda i no torna a Minsk. Parlem de la vida i dels preus alla, intento avisar-la que una noia com ella sera el centre d'atencio vagi on vagi, pero com que ha viatjat per Italia ja sap del que estic parlant, no es res nou per ella. Ira s'ha passat l'hivern treballant i estudiant per poder estalviar diners per aquest viatge, els ultims mesos tenia 2 feines i examens a la Universitat, ho ha aprovat tot. Li dic que es SuperWoman i es posa a riure. Quedem que ens trucarem quan torni a casa despres d'aquest viatge.
Today I plan dinner with Ira (Irina, 20), we go to the spanish restaurant in Nemiga. Early in the afternoon because she doesn't want to miss her favourite team, Italy, in the WorldCup final. I met Ira and her friend Nika (19) in April, they are both friends of Jenya. This time we meet alone because she wants to talk about her trip to Spain. Tomorrow she will take to train to Poland and then the plane from Warsaw to Barcelona. She goes with her sister and mother to visit her aunt in Roses, north of Barcelona, 50km from my hometown. It's funny to meet somebody in Minsk that will be next week and for the next 3 months very close to my hometown. She speaks spanish, not perfect but all the conversation is in spanish during the dinner. She studies economy at the University in Minsk, she travelled to Italy in the past and now wants to discover Spain and probably find a job there. We decide to meet in Spain if I come back before she leaves. I told her that a tall, blonde, green-eyes girl like her won't be alone when I come back :-)
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