D23 - Minsk

JUL03 - Day23 - Minsk - Km2759
El tren arriba a Minsk a les 6 del mati, no he dormit i estic cansat, pero l'excitacio de tornar a ser aqui m'anima i em sento be. Jenya (Evgeny) arriba puntual. Ens coneixem del meu viatge a Minsk fa tres mesos, ell treballava a l'agencia de viatges que em va tramitar el visat i ens vam fer bons amics durant els 10 dies que vaig passar a Bielorussia. M'ha trobat un pis centric pero no ens donaran les claus fins las 9 del mati, anem a casa seva a esmorzar per fer temps, el seu germa dorm al menjador, la seva mare es desperta i ens prepara un cafe mentre ell m'ensenya fotografies a l'ordinador.
A les 9 agafem un taxi i anem al que sera el meu pis durant els propers 6 dies. Conec la zona, es molt a prop del mercat i vei de Kat, un altre contacte de la meva darrera visita a Minsk, pero d'aixo ja en parlare mes endavant.
Avui es el Dia de la Independencia de Bielorussia, hi ha festa per tot arreu a la ciutat pero tant Jenya com jo estem cansats i decidim dormir una estona i quedar pel vespre.
I arrive at Minsk early in the morning. Jenya (Evgeny) is waiting at the train station. I met him in my last trip to Misnk, he used to work in the travel agency that helped me with the visa and paperwork. He lived in Sweden for 4 years, now is back to Minsk to develop an art project related to TV. He knows everything about Belarus history, Minsk nightlife and speaks perfect english, he is the perfect partner to discover all sides of the city and the country.
At 9am we go to my new appartment 45USD/night located in a part of Minsk already familiar to me, not far from a food market. We buy new local SIM card for my phone not without difficulties. Foreigners cannot buy SIM cards, only holders of Belarus passports, so we have to buy my card with Jenya's passport. If I want to fill up the card with money I have to give his name all the time.
Today the 3rd of July is the Independece Day in Belarus, is free day, everybody is in the street watching the Parade or eating shashlik in the parks. I am tired because I didn't sleep much in the train, Jenya is tired of last night open air party in the lake near Minsk, so we go to sleep for a few hours and decide to meet later for the night.
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