D22 - Good Bye Kiev

JUL02 - Day22 - Kiev - Km2139
Al final em decideixo a anar a la discoteca de l'illa del riu Dnipro, aquesta nit hi ha festa especial. Sento dues noies parlant espanyol darrera meu, son Esther (Madrid) i Maria (Valencia) que treballen a l'ambaixada espanyola i han vingut convidades per l'organitzacio, xerrem una estona de la vida a Kiev. Mes tard les busco per quedar per dema abans d'agafar el tren, pero ja no les trobo.
A les dotze del migdia arriben Nasdja i despres Sveta a recollir les claus. Nasdja parla perfecte l'angles perque va passar uns mesos als Estats Units. Proposo d'anar a esmorzar tots tres. Gracies a les traduccions de Nasdja, descobreixo que Sveta es professora d'aerobic i s'hi dedica professionalment, i va sovint a competicions internacionals. Va viure un any al la Republica Checa i ara es una de les directores de l'empresa que m'ha llogat el pis, en tenen mes de 100 per tota la ciutat.
Last night I finally went to Hydropark, there was a posh party held by the ex-pat newspaper of Kiev called "What's On". Entrance to Sun City was 100UAH (15EUR). It's an open air disco near the river Dnipro, with swimming pool and private beach. There were fashion shows going on when I arrive. By chance I met Esther and Maria from Spain, they work in the spanish embassy in Kiev. I don't really like meeting spanish people when I travel abroad, I prefer to get to know locals but this time I decide to ask their phone to meet next day... I don't see them anymore, so opportunity lost.
Nadja comes to the appartment at 12 to collect the keys, she speaks good english, after 5 minutes Sveta comes too. I propose to have breakfast together. They explain me that the business of renting appartments is going down compared to last year, I think by myself that they should decrease the prices to compete with hotels but I don't say it. They are part of a group of young business people that hold over 100 appartments in the city of all level of comfort, from 30USD/night up to +200USD/night.
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