D25 - Natasha

JUL05 - Day25 - Minsk - Km2759
Avui he quedat amb Natasha (22). Ens vam coneixer un dia de festa i des de llavors hem mantingut el contacte per email i per sms. Ella just ha acabat els examens i unes practiques de 2 setmanes a la universitat. Estudia Dret a la Universitat Russa de Minsk. Aquest cap de setmana anira a casa a passar l'estiu i ajudar a la seva mare que ha estat hospitalitzada dues setmanes. La familia viu al sud del pais, la zona mes afectada pel desastre de la central nuclear de Txernobil ara fa 20 anys. Natasha va passar 1 mes a Alemanya en el programa dels "nens de Txernobil" i per aixo sap algunes paraules d'alemany. Ens comuniquem en angles que ha estudiat a la universitat i classes particulars. Anem a sopar a un restaurant del barri vell de la ciutat i a la nit quedem amb Marina, una amiga seva de la universitat i Jenya per anar a la discoteca
I meet Natasha (22) in the afternoon and later we go for dinner to the old town. Natasha studies law at the Russian University of Minsk. She is from the south of Belarus, the most affected part of the country during the Chernobyl disaster 20 years ago. She speaks some german because she spent 1 month near Bremen as part of the Chernobyl Children Exchange programs. She also learned english at the university and taking private lessons, we can communicate correctly. I met her in a party my last night in April, we kept contact by email and SMS. Her mother is in hospital these days, she is worried, she will go home the weekend to help her with domestic duties. Natasha finished the exams recently, now has free time until September, she wanted to find a job but the market is not easy in Minsk for a 2-months job. At night we meet Marina, her friend and I call Jenya. We all 4 meet in my flat and then go to MaxShow to dance until late.
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