D20 - Italy vs Ukraine

30JUN - Day20 - Kiev - Km2139
Dima em truca a mitja tarda, em passa a recollir i anem al seu poble, a uns 20 km al nord de Kiev, prop de la central hidroelectrica. Anem a banyar-nos en un llac perque el riu Dnipro es brut i a mes sembla que l'aigua es freda. Els seus amics ens truquen i ens intenten convencer d'anar en cotxe a Odessa a passar el cap de setmana, jo no puc o perdria el tren a Minsk. Finalment Dima decideix anar amb ells i a mi em deixen en una parada de metro per tornar a casa. A la nit truco a Sasha (Alexander), un altre contacte de Kiev, Treballa a Ericsson Kiev i parla angles perfecte. El partit el perd Ucraina i Italia passa a les semifinals. Era un somni que no s'ha pogut realitzar.
Today is very hot in Kiev +33C. I plan to go swimming to HydroPark, island in the Dnipro river. When I walk out the door I receive a call from Dima, he will collect me by car to go together to his town in the north: Vyshgorod. First to swim and then watch the match Italy vs Ukraine. His friends try to convince us to go together to Odessa by car, they made me thinking about it, but if I go with them I will miss the train on Sunday. Dima is undecided. Finally he goes with them.
I decide to call Sasha (Alexander). Sasha used to work in the fashion industry, travelled around Europe in the past, actually he works at the marketing department of Ericsson Ukraine, he speaks perfect english. I join him and Kolia to watch the WorldCup match. When I arrive to the pub, Ukraine is already loosing 0-1, people is sad, they dreamt about the semi-finals but this year is not possible.
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