D25 - Registration

El proces de registrar-se es obligatori tan a Bielorussia com a la Federacio Rusa i s'ha de fer abans de tres dies despres d'entrar al pais. Per fer-ho necessitem el passaport de la mare de Jenya, que es qui m'ha convidat oficialment al pais. Amb el passaport ens dirigim a l'oficina del registre que esta en un dels suburbis de la ciutat. Per registrar-nos hem d'omplir uns formularis, anar al banc a pagar i fer una fotocopia de l'asseguranca. Omplir els formularis no es gens facil ni pels que parlen rus, per descomptat no hi ha res escrit en angles. Per sort les parets estan plenes d'exemples que ajuden a la gent a omplir els formularis. Anem al banc mes proper, com que estem als afores, aixo son uns 20 minuts caminant. En el banc, per fer un ingres tambe s'han d'omplir papers no gens facils. Ens equivoquem dues vegades, tardem 20 minuts en fer l'ingres pero al final ho aconseguim, son 8 Euro pel registre mes 1 Euro per entrar les dades a l'ordinador. Ara hem de buscar una fotocopiadora, preguntem a la gent, el lloc mes proper esta a 15 minuts caminant. Veiem la mateixa gent fent fotocopies que a l'oficina del registre... seria bona idea que compressin una fotocopiadora a l'oficina mateix. Pero a Bielorrussia el temps no importa pel que sembla, la burocracia es llarga i dificil. Quan ho tenim tot tornem a l'oficina del registre i em posen un segell en un paper escrit a ma, he de tenir-lo dins el passaport fins que surti del pais. Ha costat un mati sencer registrar-se, en un hotel m'ho haguessin fet en 30 segons. La millor opcio es passar una nit en un hotel i despres marxar un cop t'han registrat. Per celebrar l'exit anem a dinar Jenya i jo al costat del llac.
Once entered Belarus is mandatory to register your visa and address within the next three days, this is the same procedure in Russia, already abolished in Ukraine and in Moldova. If the visitor stays in a hotel, they will do it untomatically at check-in. In my case, since I am in the country formally invited by Jenya's mother, we have to do all the bureaucracy ourselves. We take a taxi in the morning to collect Jenya's mother passport and then to the registration office in the outskirts of the city. We got the forms to fill up and the bank account to put money, a photocopy of my insurance is also required. there is no photocopy machine in this office, and the nearest post office with photocopy machine is 20 minutes walk. First we go to the bank to pay the money, this requires also lots of forms to be filled, 20 minutes to understand and put the information. We see the same people in the bank as in the registration office, everybody is going throught he same process. After the bank we need to find the post office to make a photocopy, we ask 3 times until we get there, in between the laberynth of buildings. Known faces here too making photocopies. Now with all the papers we go back to the registration office. the guy complains because we didn't write my name in cyrillic, we make the correction. He gives me a small paper with s stamp. This si all, it took the whole morning. Is time to celebrate, let's go to the lake to have lunch and beer.
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