D36 - Bye Ukraine

Diumenge. Ola va marxar ahir a la nit i jo no vaig tenir prou energia per sortir de festa sol, tot i que era dissabte nit i Kharkiv es un bon lloc per sortir a la nit amb molta festa i gent jove. Com que els meus contactes no son a la ciutat i Ola havia de marxar ahir, vaig decidir comprar el bitllet de tren a Moscu per avui diumenge. Finalment entrare a Russia.
El tren surt a les nou i Dmitry em deixa quedar al pis fins les 7 del vespre sense cap carrec extra. Ell mateix ve a recollir les claus i em porta a l'estacio de tren. Els 15 minuts dins el cotxe els aprofitem per intercanviar informacions, ell parla molts idiomes i ja porta 7 anys llogant apartaments i altres activitats turistiques a Kharkiv. El principi va ser dificil pero el boca-orella ha fet que ara tingui un munt de clients. Quan torni a visistar la ciutat contactare amb ell sense cap mena de dubte.
Ola left last night, she could get only a ticket for Saturday night. She will be at home on Sunday morning ready for her grandmother 80th aniversary party. My ticket, which I bought in a special room only for foreigners, even though they could not speak any english, is for today Sunday.
I check out from the appartment in the evening with no extra charge, Dmitry comes to pick up the keys and offers me a lift to the station. He has been running this business for 7 years, now he has lots of appartments rented in the city. Dmitry studied foreign languages in Kharkiv, can speak perfect english, good german and some chinese and probably some other languages too. We talk about nightlife in Kharkiv. When I come back to the city I will definitely contact him again, he also has appartments for monthly renting at good prices.
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