D33 - Kharkiv

Despres de 17h de tren sense aire condicionat, arribo rebentat a Kharkiv, la segona ciutat de Ucrania en numero d'habitants: 1.5 milions. Vaig al centre a recollir les claus del pis de la ma de Dimitry. M'explica que tenen gairebe tots els pisos llogats, porta 7 anys en el negoci i el boca-orella ha fet la seva feina. Kharkiv va ser la capital d'Ucrania durant gairebe dues decades al primer terc del segle XX, ara es una ciutat que energetica gracies a les seves Universitats i la quantitat d'estudiants que hi viuen. Te el centre forca verd, amb el Parc Schevchenko que s'acaba on comenca la placa mes gran d'Europa dins d'una ciutat: Placa de la Llibertat (Svobody Ploscha), segona del mon despres de la de Tiananment a Xina. Destaquen l'arquitectura comunista que envolta la placa i una inmensa estatua de Lenin.
I arrive exhausted to Kharkiv after 17h on the train, extremely hot day. I go to meet Dmitry in the office to get the keys of the appartment, I plan to stay 3 or 4 nights, depending on the train schedules to Moscow.
Kharkiv (in ukrainian), Kharkov (in russian) is the second largest city in Ukraine with its 1.5 million inhabitants. Only 40km away from the russian border. The population is mostly russian speaking, compared to the ukrainian speaking west of the country. Kharkiv was the capital of Ukraine during 17 years: 1917-1934. Has lots of green areas in the city center and the largest inner city square in Europe, the second largest in the world after Tiananmen in China. Is called Svodoby (Freedom) and has a huge Lenin monument in the middle.
10 days since u haven't written anything in your blog? must be having fun there as long as u dont have time for writing in the blog ;)
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