D35 - Ticket Nightmare
JUL15 - Day35 - Kharkiv - Km3609
La primera cosa que hem de fer avui es comprar els bitllets de tren. Voliem anar a nedar a un llac als afores de la ciutat, potser hi anirem a la tarda. Anem amb Ola a l'estacio de tren a comprar els bitllets. No hi ha gaire finestretes obertes, i algunes son nomes per militars o per gent jubilada o per estudiants. Fem 40 minuts de cua inutil perque ens diuen que aquella finestreta es nomes per trens que marxen avui. Els bitllets per altres dies s'han de comprar en una altra oficina en un altre edifici. Anem al lloc on ens indiquen, una sala plena de gent i amb l'aire super carregat. Ola es comenca a marejar i jo em quedo a la cua, potser hi han 15 persones davant meu, pero les demes cues estan igual. Mitja hora mes tard, quan nomes queden 3 persones davant meu, una dona gran i grassa es cola dient que te pressa. Comenca a comprar bitllets i mes bitllets, tarda mes de mitja hora i la gent es comenca a indignar. Finalment acaba la "macro-compra" pero la mala sort no s'ha acabat. Es hora de dinar i la noia que ven els bitllets baixa la cortina davant els nostres nassos. Son les 2 i no tornara a obrir fins les 3. Increible.
Today we must buy the ticket for Ola to go back to Donetsk tomorrow, plus my ticket to Moscow for the day after (Monday). We go to the station by metro. After 40min queueing we are told that this ticket office is only for trains departing today, for other days we have to go to another building across the road. The new ticket office is not easy to find, no indication no nothing. Finally we found a gray dirty place packed with people queueing. The shortest queue is about 15 people long. We stay in line, is hot and boring. Ola goes outside because she doesn't feel good with the heavy air in the room. I keep in line for 30 min. The queue moved slightly only. When we are 2 places from the window one old fat lady goes to first position saying that she is in a hurry. She starts buying tickets and more tickets... probably for half an hour or 40 minutes she keeps buying tickets, more than 10. I cannot believe what is happenning, everybody is angry but she doesn't care. Finally she goes away but the bad luck is not over. Is 2pm, time for lunch, the lady selling the tickets close the window and disappears. She is back at 3pm.
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