D16 - Cara

26JUN - Day16 - Kishinev - Km1434
Ahir no vaig fer massa coses, descansar, llegir i escriure en el meu diari personal. De tant en tant ja toca descansar, aixo no son unes vacances de 2 setmanes, aixo ha de durar mes de tres mesos i no puc seguir un ritme del 100% dia i nit.
Avui dilluns es el meu ultim dia a Moldavia, he de tornar les claus del pis abans de les 3 pero el tren no surt fins les 10 del vespre.
Quedo amb Cara (Carolina) un cop deixades les claus. Ella ha estat ocupada tot el mati amb la seva primera classe de massatge. Anem a dinar junts prop de l'agencia i em regala una ferradura de fusta amb la paraula "norod" inscrita que vol dir "sort" en moldau. Cara parla be l'angles, te un bon sentit de l'humor i es molt facil passar-s'ho be amb ella. Va passar 2 anys vivint a Dinamarca pero va arribar un punt que no hi volia estar mes i va tornar cap a casa amb la familia. M'explica que ara el seu xicot belga esta preparant el papers perque ella pugui marxar del pais i anar a viure junts a Belgica. La majoria dels seus amics tambe han marxat, la majoria al Canada... l'emigracio es molt comu entre la gent jove de Moldavia
Yesterday Sunday was a relaxing day. Some days like this are necessary, it's impossible to keep the high rythm every day when travelling. This is not a holiday, this is a long journey and some days must be quiet. I was writing memories, reading books, walking around the city parks and sleeping long.
Today is my last day in Moldova, I have to check out from the apartment before 3pm but my train leaves at 10pm. I meet Cara (Carolina), she had the first massage lesson in the morning. Cara was the first and my main contact in Kishinev. One week before my arrival she had to leave to Bucarest for personal reasons, she is back only since Friday so we had little time to meet. She lived in Denmark for over 2 years, her english is perfect, has good sense of humour and is a very easy person to get along with. We stop to have lunch at Gambrinus, she has bought a present for me that will bring me luck during my trip, with the moldovan word for luck written on it "NOROD". Most of Cara's friends emigrated to Canada or somewhere else, this is a common situation in Moldova, many young people left the country in the recent years. She is planning to move soon to Belgium with his boyfriend too.
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