D14 - Capriana

24JUN - Day 14- Kishinev - Km1434
Aquest mati he quedat de nou amb Olesea. A les 11 del mati ens trobem al centre de la ciutat, sota l'estatua de Stefan cel Mare. Passarem el dia junts fora de la ciutat, a Capriana, a 30km de la ciutat, un poblet famos pel seu monestir. Agafem una furgoneta, que es com un taxi gran o un autobus petit. A Moldavia, Ucraina i Bielorusia es el transport public mes popular. L'anomenen maxi-taxi, mashrutka (rus) o routiere (romanes). Dins de la ciutat, qualsevol distancia val 2Lei (15cent), pero per anar a Capriana paguem 9Lei cadascu (65cent). El conductor ens diu que quan s'hagi omplert marxarem, hi caben unes 12 persones. Pel cami Olesea m'explica coses de la vida els pobles, de quan era petita i anava a visitar els seus avis fora de la ciutat. Els pobles no tenen aigua corrent i per aixo hi ha pous a tot arreu, sempre pintats de blau. Tambe hi ha moltes creus de fusta a les entrades i sortides dels pobles, la gent es molt religiosa a Moldavia. El monestir no esta reconstruit del tot, nomes un edifici i la catedral (a la foto), entrem i encenem dues veles mentre pensem un desig i les posem juntes. Mengem a la sombra d'un arbre i ens tombem a l'herba mentre contemplem les vistes del poble i les muntanyes verdes. Tornem aviat perque ella ha de ser a casa a les 5. No ens tornarem a veure, es trist dir-se adeu pero dins nostre sabem que potser ens retrobem un altre dia en un futur no molt llunya.
Quan arribo a casa truco a Cara (Carolina, 25) que esta amb la seva germana Kristina (17) mirant el partit de futbol del mundial. Ens trobem al centre de la ciutat, la germana ha de marxar a casa pero nosaltres seiem a prendre una cervesa mentre mirem com Suecia perd contra Alemanya. Decidim anar al parc botanic abans que es faci fosc, es prop de casa seva. A l'entrada li preguntem al vigilant a quina hora tanca, ell ens diu que tancara quan els mosquits ens facin marxar. En el nostre cas son uns 30 minuts de passejar i xerrar sobre les nostres vides. Quedem pel dilluns.
Quan arribo a casa em truca Romy (US) amic de Sean i Andrew, els altres dos americans amb qui vaig sortir el dimecres. Em diu que aquesta nit anira a Flamingo, al discoteca mes exclusiva de Kishinev, quedem per les 12... pero aixo es una altra historia pel proper blog.
Today Olesea and I go to Capriana, a village 30km from Kishinev. Is my first trip to the countryside. To get there we took a mini van, like a small bus or big taxi, some people call it maxi-taxi, marshrutka (russian) or routiere (romanian). This type of transportation is the most popular in the cities of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. They go to the countryside but also across the city, the price within the city is 2Lei ( 0.15EUR) no matter the distance. We pay 9Lei each to go to Capriana and wait until the maxitaxi is full for the departure. Luckily it doesn't take long to fill up. On the way, Olesea explains me how things work in the villages. I ask why there are so many wells in the main street of the cities. They don't have water in the houses.
The main attraction in Capriana is the monastery. The main building and the main church have been reconstructed already. They are beautiful, specially the church (see picture). We light 2 candles, ask for a wish and put them together. After the visit we eat something, go for a walk and lay on the grass watching the spectacular view of the town and the hills. She has to go home at 5pm, we won't meet again before I go to Kiev. Is sad to say goodbye but we know deep inside that we will meet again in the future somewhere.
Back to Kishinev I meet Cara (Carolina, 25). She is watching a WorlCup match with her sister Kristina (17) in the city centre. Kristina goes home but we stay for a drink. She lived in Denmark for 2 years, back to Moldova 6 months ago. Before it gets too dark we decide to go to the botanical garden near her place. We walk and talk until the mosquitos scare us away.
When I get home I receive a call from Romy (US) a friend of Sean and Andy, the other two americans guys that I know in the city. He proposes me to meet at midnight and go to Flamingo, the most exclusive disco in Kishinev... but this story requires a complete new post...
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