
D12 - Kishinev II

22JUN - Day 12 - Kishinev - Km1434

Ahir dimecres va ser un dia tranquil, pel mati vaig a l'estacio de tren a comprar el bitllet a Kiev de la setmana que ve. Abans d'anar a l'estacio miro els horaris de tots els trens, la millor opcio es el que va a Moscu i que para a Kiev a les 2 de la tarda, l'altra opcio seria arribar a Kiev a les 3 de la matinada, que no es la millor hora per estar a una estacio de tren perdut i amb una motxil.la. Apunto totes les dades en un paper i l'ensenyo a la noia que ven els bitllets, parla una mica d'angles, tot i aixi no fa falta parlar perque el paper que porto explica clarament el que vull, el numero de tren els horaris i el desti.
Dono una volta per la ciutat i rento roba per guanyar temps abans que arribi Svetlana per les classes de rus. Arriba puntual, tindra un 35/40 anys, es professora professional, ensenya forca be tot i que continuo pensant que 6 dolars per hora es massa car.
A la nit he quedat amb la parella que vaig coneixer el dilluns, Andrew i Olesea. Anem a casa d'un amic d'ells, Sean, tambe america que esta treballant aqui com a auditor d'empreses americanes. Bebem una cervesa en el seu apartament del dese pis d''un edifici bastant precari i anem a City, una discoteca del centre. Tothom sembla coneixer a Sean, especialment les noies, agafem una taula amb una botella de vodka, mirem el show, ballem i a les 4 del mati tornem a casa.
Avui m'aixeco tard i quedo de nou amb Olesea, la noia que vaig coneixer el dimarts, anem a passejar per un parc de la ciutat amb un llac gran on la gent es banya, cosa que jo no recomanaria veient el color de l'aigua. Nosaltres ens asseiem en un banc i xerrem de les nostres vides, families i plans de futur. M'explica histories del pobles de de Moldavia, de la violencia domestica encara socialment acceptada i el seu viatge a Polonia ara fara un any.
A la nit tinc la segona llico de rus amb Svetlana, em queixo pel preu i em proposa 5 dolars en comptes de 6, li dic que avui si pero que es l'ultim dia.

Yesterday was a quiet day. I went to buy the train ticket to Kiev for next week. Since I don't speak much russian, everytime I want to buy a train ticket I check the schedules first. Then I write in a piece of paper the origin and destination cities in cirylic and latin letters, below I write the train number, the departure time and the full date. With this paper I go to the train station and generally I have no problems.
In the afternoon I go for a walk alone in the city center before the 2-hour russian lesson with Svetlana. She comes to my place at 7pm, I would say she is around 35 years old, she is professional teacher for english tourists, she can speak some spanish too but most of the time we talk in rusian and english.
At night I meet Andrew and Olesea again (the moldovan-american couple), we go to Sean place. Sean (USA) works in Moldova as an auditor for american institutions. We have a drink in his new flat in the 10th floor of an old building, he explains that the elevator gets blocked often but walking up and down 10 floors is too much, so we take the risk. Nothing wrong happens this time. We head towards City, a disco near Pushkin Street. Many people knows him there, specially the girls. We stayed all 4 until 4am in the morning, is wednesday night but the place is crowded.
Today I meet Olesea again and go to the park with a big lake. Is a hot day again, over 30 degrees. Some people swim in the lake but looking at the color of the water I wouldn't recommend it. We seat in a bench and have a drink while talking about our families and future plans. She explains me about life in the countryside, she has her grandparents there and also a summer house. We decide to do a 1-day trip outside the city on Saturday.
2 more russian lessons this evening with Svetlana, I tell her that 6USD/h is over my budget, she offers to do the same for 5USD/h. I tell her to do it one more day but the last.