D13 - La Taifa

23JUN - Day 13- Kishinev - Km1434
A les 6 de la tarda he quedat amb Olesea per sopar, ella ha de ser a casa a les 8, per aixo hi anem tant aviat. La Taifa es el restaurant tradicional mes tipic de la ciutat. Arriba gairebe una hora tard a la cita. Demanem una ampolla de vi negre moldau del 1990. Molt bo i no gaire car. Ella, sense mirar el menu, pregunta als camarers i em demana menjar tipic de moldavia. Una mena de pure fet de massa de blat de moro, carn picada enrotllada amb verdures i formatge fresc de cabra. Tot molt bo.
Despres del sopar vaig a veure el final del partit de futbol, tothom anima Espanya, no entenc la rao, pregunto encuriosit per si tenen alguna mena d'hispanofilia. Em diuen que animen Espanya perque han apostat diners. Ara ho entenc.
Busco un pub que m'havien recomanat pero no el trobo, entro en un altre que sembla bastant alternatiu, no te gaire bona pinta pero m'hi quedo una estona a veure si s'anima. La gent comenca a beure begudes "flambejades", cada cop van mes beguts i alguns em miren no se si amb curiositat o amb ganes de bronca. La persona mes amable del local, curiosament, era l'encarregat de seguretat. Truco Valery, el taxista que vaig coneixer el dilluns i em porta a People, una discoteca molt prop del pis. A l'entrada hi veig 2 preus. People:60, Caligula:180. Pregunto que es Caligula, es un strip club. Pago 60 i entro a la discoteca. Es gran i ben decorada, la musica esta be pero no hi ha massa gent.
Today I go for dinner with Olesea to "La Taifa" the most popular restaurant with traditional moldovan food. She arrives late and have to leave early but we have enough time to enjoy one bottle of red moldovan wine, 15 year old cabernet sauvignon. She orders traditional food for both of us. Everything tastes very good. The musicians are playing next to us traditional moldovan music, too loud for me.
At night I decide to go to the Black Elephant, "Chorney Slon", a sort of alternative pub that plays jazz and other life music events. I walk and walk but I don't find it. 2 days later I was told that is closed nowadays. Tired of walking I enter to another pub, underground, nobody speaks any english, this makes me feel better, I don't want any touristic place for tonight. Mostly guys in the dancing floor, drinking hard drinks after burning them for a few seconds. Some of them look at me with curiosity or probably they don't like me. I don't care, is boring anyway. Only the security guy seems friendly in this place. I call Valery, the taxi driver that speaks english and we go to People (ex-Soho) a disco near my place. There are 2 prices for the entrance: People - 60MDL, Caligula - 180MDL. I ask what is Caligula, "a strip-club" they say. I pay 60 and go to People. The place is nice decorated, big and the music good, not very full though.
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