D14 - Flamingo

24JUN - Day 14 - Kishinev - Km1434
Arribo a l'hotel Edeman a mitjanit, just en el mateix moment veig una parella que surt d'un taxi. Ell es voluminos, samarreta negre sense manigues, tatuatjes per tot el cos, fort i cara de pocs amics. Ella va vestida de vermell, faldilla molt curta, figura esbelta, sabates de talo alt. Tothom es gira a mirar-los, jo intento dissimular, no voldria tenir problemes. M'imagino que es un esportista famos amb la seva xicota top model.
Espero 15 minuts pero Romy no arriba. El truco, em diu que es alla... ni tan sols se m'havia passat pel cap, Romy es el musculos tatuat que anava amb la noia espectacular de vermell.
Pugem els 3 al taxi i anem a Flamingo. A la porta hi ha un Rolls Royce, Romy em diu que es del propietari de la discoteca, amic seu. A la porta tothom el coneix, no m'extranya, no es facil passar desapercebut. Em demana diners per entrar, em diu que normalment el deixen entrar gratis, que ja em tornara els diners a dins. La discoteca es al aire lliure, una piscina al mig, un sushi bar a un costat i la pista de ball a l'altre. Tothom es gira i ens mira, o millor dit "els" mira a ells. No para de demanar-me el telefon per fer trucades, al cap de mitja hora rebo un parell de trucades preguntant que qui soc, una d'elles em sembla una veu modificada electronicament. Li ho explico a Romy i em diu que eren per ell. Li pregunto si la noia de vermell es la seva xicota, em diu que esta casat pero que la seva dona esta de viatge. Veig que parla amb un home gras d'uns 50 anys, camisa de flors i sabates de cocodril, es l'amo de la discoteca. Vaig a ballar rodejat de noies espectaculars, no intento establir cap tipus de comunicacio, se que qualsevol tipus de conversa acabara amb un preu en dolars. De sobte recordo una conversacio del dimecres a la nit entre Andy i Sean, deien que tenien un amic que sempre els demanava diners, un america que havia estat a la preso de Nova York tancat 10 anys i que ara estava a Moldavia des de feia 1 any i no sabien exactament que hi feia aqui. Tot encaixa. Li pregunto a Romy quina feina fa aqui, em contesta vagament dient que ja porta un any vivint a Moldavia. Truco a Valery, el taxista, i desapareixo de la discoteca sense dir adeu. El diumenge pel mati encara rebo trucades de numeros desconeguts, no contesto. Un dia mes i ja sere fora d'aquest pais.
I arrive in front of Hotel Edeman at midnight. I see a couple getting off the taxi. A fit tattooed big guy, with a top-model-looking sexy-dressed young girl. I try not to look to much to avoid problems with the unfriendly-looking guy. Everybody in the street notice them, the guys turn their head to look at the red girl, the girls turn their head to see the fit big guy.
Nobody comes to meet me, after waiting for 15 minutes I decide to call Romy to his mobile phone, he says he didn't see me. I realise now, the tattooed guy with the red girl is Romy!
We take a taxi to Flamingo, is not in the centre, it looks like a residential area. When we arrive I see all the people and taxis waiting outside. A big Rolls-Royce parked in front of the entrance. "This is the owner's car, he is my friend" says Romy. Everybody welcomes him in the door, he is a popular guy, for sure he is not unnoticed wherever he goes.
Romy takes my phone to make some calls and ask me for money to get in. He promises to give me back the money when somebody pays him some debts. I pay my entrance as well, there is no price, I give 100Lei, I get no change back, that was the price (6EUR).
The place is very nice, open air swimming pool, a sushi bar on one side, on the other side the dancing floor.
Romy talks to a fat guy, probably the owner, he has a shirt with flowers and crocodile shoes. I get a drink for all 3, they take a shot of cognac. He keeps asking again and again for my phone to make calls, he seems nervous tonight but when I ask he says that everything is cool. At some point I get calls back to my phone, strange voices asking who am I, one of the voices seem to be electronically modified. When I explain this to Romy, he takes my phone again and tells me that the calls are for him. I ask if the red girl is his girlfriend, he replies with another question: "do you fancy her?" I don't reply, I go dancing surrounded by female beauty, more top-model-looking sexy-dressed girls everywhere, even some of them dancing inside the pool. I do not feel too comfortable in this place, too poshy, I don't even try to make friends, I know that any conversation with those girls will end up with a price in dolars, so I decide to call Valery, the taxi driver. On the way home I tell him that I will write a "nightlife report" of Kishinev in Internet, if I can put his name and phone as a reference taxi driver that speaks english. I can see his happy face, he doesn't accept my money this time and says thanks 3 times.
On Sunday I still get unknown calls, I don't answer any of them unless I know the number.
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