D8 - Odessa II

18JUN - Day 8 - Odessa - Km1251
Ahir dissabte, ens vam aixecar cansats de la nit anterior. No fa gaire bon temps pero hem quedat amb Kristina i Oksana a la platja de Fontana 10, a uns 15km al sud de la ciutat. Quan arribem es posa a ploure i elles ens diuen d'anar a dinar prop de la seva "dacha", o casa de vacances, les convidem a dinar amb vi moldau bastant dolent i elles ens proposen que anem amb elles a la dacha. La casa on viuen no te mobles, nomes matalassos al terra per dormir, acaben de llogar la casa. Alla coneixem Nasdia, la filla d'Oksana i Mikhail, el fill de Kristina, 13 i 9 anys respectivament. La mare de Kristina ens prepara borsch, la tipica sopa ucraniana i ens quedem al pati de la casa xerrant i tocant la guitarra fins les 8 del vespre. Aquesta es la darrera nit per Arnaud. Tornem a casa i ens preparem per una altra llarga nit a Arcadia.
Avui diumenge la ciutat esta mig buida, fa bon temps i decideixo provar una altra platja una mica mes lluny del centre... aprofito per llegir, dormir i remullar-me una altra vegada al Mar Negre. A la tornada el taxista m'explica que la gent jove d'avui en dia no te voluntat per estudiar i nomes busquen el diner facil, m'explica que quan ell era jove les universitats ruses eren molt bones i s'hi aprenia molt. Em pregunta si la situacio a Espanya es la mateixa.
Dema a les 10 del mati surt el meu bus a Moldavia, decideixo no anar enlloc aquesta nit, em troba Rock pel carrer i m'intenta convencer inutilment qu evagi amb ells a Arcadia un altre cop.
Yesterday we woke up late, the weather is very changeable but we decide to meet Kristina and Oksana in Fontan 10, a beach about 15km south of the centre. When we arrive starts the rain, they propose to eat something near their "dacha" (summer house), we invite them for lunch with a horrible bottle of moldavian wine. After the lunch we go together to their appartment without furniture. Nasdia (13), Oksana's daughter, and the mother of Kristina are in the house. We prepare some chairs in the garden and eat a delicious home-made borsch. Some more friends of them join us, Arnaud plays the guitar while I lay in a bench and the ladies talk in russian. We finally leave at 8pm back home. We will meet them tonight in Itaca, the disco in Arcadia. Is the last night for Arnaud
Today sunday the city is less crowded, most of the people went to the beach, is even difficult to get a taxi ride to the seaside resorts. I decide to go to Fontana 13, Riviera Beach, 20km from the center. I stay there until 6pm, swimming, reading and sleeping. After the weekend I needed a full day of relax before leaving tomorrow morning to Moldova.
The picture shows the outside of the apartment we (Lluis and I) rented in the Koblevskaya street. Hard to believe but the inside does look much better! This is often the case and the opposite can also be true. Unfortunately, due to restoration works being done on the house, it's been noisy every single day.
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